Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A hypothetical robbery?

4:15 AM:

Creepy Guy: "How much you keep in your register this late?"
Me: "I'm not sure; why do you ask?"
Creepy Guy: "If i decided to rob you I want to know if it'd be worth it."
Me: "Shouldn't that be kind of like playing the lottery . . . take a chance, take a risk, see if you get lucky?"
Creepy Guy: "What?"
Me: "You would most likely end up in prison."
Creepy Guy: "Lighten the fuck up. I'm not going to rob you. I was joking."
Me: "So it was just a hypothetical sort of thing?"
Creepy Guy: "A what?"
Me: "A hypothetical?"
Creepy Guy: "You think I'm impressed with your fucking big words?"
Me: "Is that a rhetorical question?"
Creepy Guy: "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Me: "I just want to look and sound smart when the cops are watching this on video."
Creepy Guy: "You're an asshole. . . you're fucked up."
Me: "You're the one who wants to hypothetically rob me."
Creepy Guy: "Fuck you . . "

He leaves.

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