Friday, November 7, 2014

"Why are you looking at me like I'm stupid?"

There's an obnoxious guy in line, waiting to pay for a six-pack of Bud Ice he's holding in one hand while talking loudly on his phone in the other hand. I'm too busy to pay attention to the conversation but hear the word "fuck" a lot. He seems to be offending the other customers, particularly the nice, older woman I am helping who keeps glancing his way and shaking her head. I get the guy's attention and ask him to please keep it down and watch his language. He shoots me a dirty look.

When he gets to the register I ring up his beer and a Swisher Sweet cigar he asks for. He fumbles his credit card while getting it out of his wallet and struggles to pick it up off the counter.

"Why are you looking at me like I'm stupid?" he asks.
"I'm not looking at you like you're stupid," I reply. "I am looking at you to determine if you are drunk and clearly you are."
"So what?" he says.
"So I can't sell you beer," I say. "Sorry, but I am not allowed to sell alcohol to anyone who is clearly intoxicated."

I subtract the price of the six-pack from the total and put it aside.

"Would you still like the cigar?" I ask.
"You're really not going to sell me beer?" 
"No. Sorry."
"Why are you being rude to me?"
"I am not being rude to you."
"You are being very rude," he says. "You're being an asshole."
"Look, it was you who was being rude while talking loudly on your phone and cussing and making other customers uncomfortable," I say. "Now would you like your cigar or not?"
"Why are you looking at me like I'm stupid?" he asks again.
"I am not looking at you like you're stupid. I am looking at you like you're drunk. I am not selling you beer. Now do you want the cigar or not?"

He thinks about it.

"No," he says. "I don't like how rude you're being. I will take my business elsewhere."
"Okay," I say, "You do that. Are you driving?"
"No, I'm walking."
"Good," I say. "Be careful."
"Thank you," he says. "That is very kind of you."

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