Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Great Mop Flop Flood of 2014

I keep flexible deadlines in my head of when various chores need to be done if I am to complete the entire two-page list of chores before morning: Have the beer cooler stocked and locked by 2:00 am; have the coffee pots, cappuccino machine, pop machine, hot dog machine and various other non-machine things clean by 3:00 am; have at least two pots of coffee ready before 4:00 am for the real early birds, and have the floors mopped and clean by 4:00 am when it's time to do the daily report.

So I had it all mopped up the other night, having mopped my way to the front door where I finished up and moved outside to clean up the parking lot while the floor dried. I was happy this particular night that no one pulled in and tracked up and down every aisle as soon as the mopping was completed and floors still wet, as usually happens. But one guy pulled in just at about 4:00 am as the floors finished drying and I was about to go back inside.

"Bad timing?" he said, as he got out of his car. "Are the floors wet? I can wait until they're dry."
Thank you," I said, "but your timing is perfect! The floors are dry." 

I opened the door for him and as soon as he went in I started pulling the mop bucked back inside -- but it hit the door jam, tipped over and flooded a large portion of the front of the store near the register.

"I guess it's wet again now," I said to the guy.

It wasn't my first mop flop:

When preparing to mop the floor I put a bit of the green cleaner into the mop water from a white plastic container with a green label. There is a similar white plastic container of the same size and shape with a grey label; that is the concrete cleaners. One of the first nights I worked I was in a hurry, tired and inadvertently poured a bit from the grey label into the mop bucked.  It melted the wax on the floor. The floor was sticky for a week -- like walking on a giant fly trap. It had to be re-waxed.


As I said in "Private Bing: 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas . . .", before I took this job I hadn't mopped a floor since my Marine Corps days. I'm apparently a bit rusty. 

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