Saturday, December 13, 2014

At Least He's Honest About His Dishonesty

A high school student comes in to prepay for gas with cash (which saves about six cents per gallon at our store).

"Twenty-five on pump two," he says.

I hit "2" on the register, then the "prepay" button, then "2500" and "total."

"Will that be all?" I ask.
"Yes sir," he says.

He hands me $25.00 and I complete the transaction.

"Thank you," I say. "Have a great day."
"Thanks," he replies. "You too."

As he's headed out the door he suddenly remembers something and turns back around.

"Oh, I need my receipt please."
"No problem," I say.

I hand him his receipt.

"My mother makes me bring her the receipts, to make sure I put all of the money she gives me towards the gas. She doesn't trust me."
"Well that's too bad," I say.
"I don't blame her," he replies. "Last week she caught me only putting $20.00 in when she gave me $30.00."
"Ah! So it's justified, hey?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, totally," he replies.

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